Tech Trend of 2023

Tech Trend of 2023

2023 started a few days ago and promises to be very interesting in terms of tech trends. It will presumably be a year of transition, able to consolidate trends that have evolved for years and evaluate innovative solutions in the field of Artificial Intelligence. It is...
Business Analytics: what you need to know

Business Analytics: what you need to know

Business Analytics (BA), also called Advanced Analytics, allows businesses to analyse their data to identify models, generate information to make strategic decisions, and automate processes by connecting intelligence and action. Every day, every company produces a...
5 ways AI will change the future of Marketing

5 ways AI will change the future of Marketing

Artificial intelligence is bound to change the future of marketing in many areas and in various ways. The number of companies using AI has grown by more than 270% in the last four years and the global market is expected to reach 267 billion of dollars by 2027 (Source:...
Digital&Green: sustainable innovation

Digital&Green: sustainable innovation

Reconciling technological innovation and environmental protection to design a better society: it is the real challenge that we face in this particular historical moment. Sustainability is no longer an option but a necessary path. Companies play a decisive and...
Web scraping & Sentiment Analysis

Web scraping & Sentiment Analysis

Today, data scraping plays an increasingly strategic and important role in identifying trends, analysing the use of products and setting up marketing strategies. The term “web scraping”, from the verb “to Scrape”, is a Crawling technique. A...